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I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name zovirax duo dm "The potential opportunity is substantial. As the British Geological Survey estimates, UK shale gas resources may be 50% larger than conventional gas resources. With exploratory drilling now going ahead, estimates will be more accurate and the British Geological Survey is due to release a more comprehensive estimate of the UK's shale gas resources in 2013."


Selling yourself

5. Sell the benefits, not the features, of your product

Note: A pen is a dick extenstion

eg. Not feeling embarrassed is a benefit.

6. Emphasize results

Nobody cares about your product, they want the results!

7. Whenever you can guarantee the results.

Free tryout; make it easy for people to say 'yes'.

8. Social Proof

Testimonials, reccomendations. 100 times more effective than what YOU say.

Notes On Course


Become a partner with your clients

Find clients, ask what they want and give it to them

  • What do you want? Pains, frustrations
  • Ask to help developing the products
  • When product ready: ask for help to market it

Your network markets for you.

0. Create a remarkable product - It sells itself.

Change from interruption to conversation; partnership with your clients.

Marketing Goals

The only way to survive

  1. Turn strangers into friends - know, trust
  2. Turn friends into clients
  3. Turn clients into ambassadors

Create/Deliver Value

Who needs/wants your information?

'Want' (sit in front of TV) is more important than 'need' (lose weight).

People want results easy and fast.

  • Everybody is cheap, greedy and lazy.

Define your target audience; make it as specific as possible, not too big.

  • Look on Facebook pages for demographics.


  • What is special about you that you will add value to their lives?
  • How can you make their life more interesting and more fun?

Even changing the delivery can make it more interesting! ( watches (CH) -> digital (Japan), Swatch! )

Nisandeh advantages:

  • I can help you to change your mindset.
  • I can make complicated things simple. Simple is doable.

Make your own list!

Check what your clients want, preferably by asking the question.

  1. What frustrates you the most? About you/their business.
    • Ideally, give a short and simple answer.
  2. What would you like to accomplish this year? (In your area of expertise).
  3. What do you think you need in order to achieve that big goal? (eg. double your income).

Differentiation of you from your competitors

When you're different, you are not compared to others. Otherwise, you are a commodity. Customers will compare price.

Positioning: Way that people perceive you. It creates a connection.

If you don't create it, they will create it for you.

Questions to answer for yourself:

  1. Who do you (want to) have? - Target audience, make it explicit. The more specific, the better.
  2. Why do you want to have them? - "I was in your place, and I didn't like it. I don't want you to be there, I don't want you to stay there."
  3. Why are you qualified? - ETR: "Earn the Right"; perspective (eg. through experience).
  4. Where are you going? - (almost nobody answers this). You move yourself from an expert (the pack) to a leader.

Differentiating is no difficult, but you need to be daring to expose yourself.

5 Things

Order important!

  1. The right mindset - for entrepreneur
    • eg. Handle failure, rejection.
  2. Set the right goals - Three goals!
  3. The right strategies
    • Develop a remarkable product - sells itself
    • 2 others for marketing
  4. Good plan - roadmap for where you're going
  5. Implementation! Otherwise, no results
    • Make implementation as fast as possible
    • The shorter the time from idea to implementation, the better

System - MGSPI

  • Mindset
  • Goals
  • Strategies
  • Plan
  • Implementation (speed of)

High Value Presentations - HVP


1. Weet waar je het over hebt

Je wilt niet alleen weten waar je over praten, je wilt méér weten dan wie dan ook in de zaal over het onderwerp van je presentatie. Je moet de expert worden. Je moet de vragen uit het publiek kunnen beantwoorden

2. Los een probleem op

Hou niet alleen een verkooppraatje. Haal een pijn weg.

3. Ken je publiek

Het probleem dat je behandelt moet aansluiten bij de ervaring van je publiek. Dit betekent dat je wat onderzoek moet doen als voorbereiding voor je presentatie. Denk hierbij aan:

  • Welke vragen stelt jouw doelgroep het meest?
  • Welke uitdagingen komen ze regelmatig tegen in hun leven, gezondheid, business, etc…?
  • Welke fouten maken mensen in die situatie het meest?
  • Als je je doelgroep van te voren deze vragen kunt stellen, dan kun je je presentatie nog meer toespitsen op je publiek en kun je oplossingen bieden die meteen uitvoerbaar zijn.

4. Bied een goedkope, risico-vrije volgende stap

Verlaag de drempel. Laat ze iets uitproberen.

Wees niet bang om teveel weg te geven. Prospects zullen je gulheid waarderen en zo bouw je een relatie van vertrouwen op.

5. Werk samen met niet-concurrerend professionals

Vind andere, niet-concurrerende professionals die zich ook op jouw doelgroep richten en creëer samen een educatief seminar. Deel kosten; laat verschillende ideeen hetzelfde probleem/oplossing belichten.

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Page last modified on June 18, 2012, at 03:24 PM