Org Wiki
Main Programming Platforms Projects Emacs Russian Quotes Old Lisa wiki
Table of Contents
Emacs Notes
2 Handy keys
2.1 Windows and buffers
C-x b <filename> | Select buffer by filename; with autocompletion |
C-x C-f | 'Find file' - open a file |
C-x C-s | Save buffer |
C-x s | Save all buffers; prompts per changed buffer |
C-x s ! | Save all buffers; no prompting |
C-x C-v <RET> | Reload current buffer; useful for resetting R/W |
C-x k <enter> | Kill current buffer without closing window |
C-x o | Go to next window |
C-x 0 | Close current window without killing buffer |
C-x 2 | Split current window vertical |
C-x 3 | Split current window horizontal |
2.2 Other essential keys
Keys | Action | Comment |
C-s | Search forward | |
C-s M-c | Search case sensitive | M-c is a toggle |
C-r | Search back | Use after C-s |
C-s (C-w)* | Select (expanding) word under cursor | Use after C-s |
C-M-s | Search by regex | NB: \{ \} |
C-x C-e | run elisp function | Place cursor at end brace |
C-h f | get elisp function doc | Set cursor on name |
TAB | Outline: cycle visibility | i.e. open/close outlines |
<shift>-<insert> | Paste | |
C-<shift>-<backspace> | Delete line | |
M-1 M-! shell-cmd | run shell command | |
C-h v var-name | Show variable | |
C-c C-l | Create/edit external link | |
C-c C-o | Open link under cursor in new window | |
C-x 8 C-h | Help page for accented char's | |
C-x 8 ' e | Accents; given combination: é | Should work for all emacs modes |
C-c C-f | Toggle folding of block | For modes that support it |
C-x 8 RET #x20AC RET | Euro sign € | |
M-x sort-lines | sort lines in current selection | |
M-x *-mode <tab> | List all interactive commands ending in '-mode' | Prefix: just hit Tab, no * |
<shift>-left click | Adjust font size menu | Click in text area |
2.3 Useful commands
Prefix these with M-x. Notably, major modes can be set here.
load-file <RET> <RET> | reload current file - handy for .emacs |
customize-option <name> | use emacs option screen for changing settings |
set-variable RET tab-width RET 4 RET | Change tab width for local buffer |
Lisp functions: use C-x C-e at end to run (eg in scratch buffer)
(dired "/wim@quinte:~") | Show dir listing on remote machine |
- Leaving out user works | |
- Refresh with single key 'g' | |
- '/' required |
Byte-compile everything in .emacs.d/elpa
To avoid warnings when uploading wiki
> C-u 0 M-x byte-recompile-directory > Directory: ~/.emacs.d/elpa
2.4 Major/minor modes
Major modes. Others work analogously; useful for eg. syntax highlighting.
Useful minor modes
hs-minor-mode |
enable folding in current buffer |
2.5 Vim rehash
Following useful vim-keys also work in evil-mode:
- emacs folding binded to C-c s, C-c h in .emacs.
- In vim, lower case does action on current level, upper case on all lower levels as well. Evil mode does not implement this well.
- Works better if cursor is on a brace, or within (c++)
za | toggle current fold current level |
zR, zM | open, close all folds |
zo, zc | open, close current fold |
2.6 Evil mode
C-z | Toggle evil mode - conflicts with undo! |
2.7 Make source block runnable inline
E.g. for shell:
(org-babel-do-load-languages 'org-babel-load-languages '((sh . t)))
3 Org mode
NOTE: Stuff here works only in org-mode files
3.1 Issue "Wrong type argument: org-export-backend…"
Following occurs during export to html:
Wrong type argument: org-export-backend, [cl-struct-org-export-backend nil html ((footnote-reference . ignore) (link lambda (object c i) c) (radio-target lambda (object c i) c) (target . ignore)) nil nil nil nil]
Solution: delete all .elc
files in org package.
Date postfix will differ
cd ~/.emacs.d/elpa/org- cd org-20181008/ cd org-ac-20170401.1307/ cd org-ref-20181010.2343/ rm -r *.elc
3.2 Essential keys
Keys | Action | Comment |
C-c C-c | Export commands | |
C-c C-e | Publish org file | |
" " h h | Publish to html | |
C-c C-c p | markdown preview | bare display in browser |
\\ | extra line break | at end of line |
3.3 Essential commands (images)
M-x org-display-inline-images | show linked images |
M-x org-remove-inline-images | hide linked images |
3.4 font modifiers
- # Comment (start of line, one space)
- bold
- `*backticks override*`
- italic
- underlined
strike-through- super^script
- sub_script
- Text with a new-style footnote 1
Source: see link under 'links'
Note: ': ' prefix must me at start of line, space after
* This Is A Heading ** This Is A Sub-Heading *** And A Sub-Sub-Heading horizontal rule (at least 5 dashes) ----- Paragraphs are separated by at least one empty line. *bold* /italic/ _underlined_ +strikethrough+ =monospaced= [[][Link description]] → link without description : Simple pre-formatted text such as for source code. : This also respects the line breaks. *bold* is not bold here. - list item - another item - sub-item 1. also enumerated 2. if you like - [ ] yet to be done - [X] item which is done
3.5 links
3.6 Outline/todo keys
C-c C-t | Cycle state todo->done->nothing | |
M-<right/left> | Lower/raise current outline item | Select first! |
M-S-<right/left> | Lower/raise outline item + children | First attempt usually fails, just redo |
C-c C-e | Export, opens help screen | |
C-c C-x C-v | Toggle inline images |
3.7 Disable warnings when running src blocks on export
(setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil)
4 Blog
4.1 Jekyll server mode
For local network:
> cd ~/project/blog/jekyll-simple > jekyll serve --host
In serve mode, changes in posts get picked up automatically.
4.2 Publish from org to jekyll
> C-c C-e P x wim
5 Daemon mode
- Start in running emacs: `M-x server-start`
- Login from other machine: `ssh -XYC olivia`
- Start in graphics mode: `emacsclient -c` # -t for text mode
NOTE: When server started this way, main emacs (in server mode) hangs from time to time.
6 Install new package
Following assumes you're installing package 'evil'
M-x list-packages C-s evil to find evil i - select for install x - execute install
7 Notes
7.1 The difference between BEGIN_HTML
uses the html raw in the page:
formats the html so that the tags are visible:
<b>Welcome back to the 90's</b>
7.2 Using src blocks to generate html
This is the first attempt that actually worked:
Welcome back to the 90's!poepkat, is this really going to work??
Welcome back to the 90's!Little piggy, is this really going to work??
7.3 Set encoding in file to utf-8
on first line:
-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
… limited success with org-mode export
7.4 Specify org-mode within file
Tutorial said to put this at the top of an org-mode file:
MY PROJECT -*- mode: org -*-
However, emacs picks up org-mode up from the extension. Also, given line is interpreted as the document title on export to HTML.
8 Task Log
27-06-2016 Did David O'Toole org tutorial. 27-09-2016 Upgraded org mode using this HOWTO.
8.1 01-10-2016 Installed package 'capt-of'
> sudo zypper in texlive-capt-of
Due to error during pdf generation
9 emacs as IDE
- GUD Grand Unified debugger
- GLOBAL - gtags. Tutorial, blog
- To override keys
: Global key binding overriden by undo-tree, How to override major mode bindings:w
- To override keys
10 Try
10.1 Test: run shell commands within org-mode document
uname -a
10.2 Try spreadsheet
Source - skipped using lisp functions
- C-c ? for references
- C-c } for inline ref's
- C-c C-c on formula for recalc
- C-u C-c * on table for full recalc
- C-c = in cell; edit column formula in minibuffer
- C-u C-c = in cell; edit column formula in minibuffer
- functions used come from Calc. Doc, Function index.
- := for field formula, = for column formula
- 'this row' is default
Student | Maths | Physics | Mean |
Bertrand | 13 | 19 | 16 |
Henri | 15 | 14 | 14.5 |
Arnold | 17 | 13 | 15 |
Means | 15 | 15.333333 | 15.166667 |
New-style requires the fn:
-prefix within the brackets.
For this one, double empty line is required, otherwise following text is
added to footnote as well.