Org Wiki
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Table of Contents
1 Russian
1.1 Current
- Живое Слово - online lessons
- ЖИВОЕ СЛОВО 1 Урок. Русский язык
- Программист-самоучка
1.2 Examine
1.3 ToDo
- Body shaming (russian) - as exercise for translation.
- What's your favourite Russian proverb?
- Soviet movies online - hard to be a god
- prefixes
- Palatalization
- Diminutives
- Russian phrases
- Семнадцать мгновений весны
1.4 Music + tekst - doornemen
1.5 Tools
- Online Russian keyboard
- Accentizer
- Wiktionary Russian - decent dictionary
1.6 Literatuur
- Приговор - Анна Ахматова
- Накануне - Иван Тургенев
- The Master and Margarita - bespreking
1.7 Movies
- List of modern russian movies - reddit
- NewDeaf - russian subtitles
- Пиковая Дама - Video, Online text
- Чебурашка
1.8 Other
- Школьная программа - книги
- SubaSub - russian english
- Clozemaster - multiple choice questions on russian sentences.
- RhinoSpike - recordings from text by native speakers.
- Conjunctions ЕСЛИ and ЛИ
- Grammar
- Online russian movies - contains Stalker from tv series.
- Starling - woordenboek specifiek voor naamvallen.
- Lora's Dialogs
- Russian podcasts
- Goethe - Many to many language courses.
1.9 To Watch
- Москва слезам не верит
- Action: Шизофрения
- Drama: Кукушка (three people in the movie speak three different language and don't understand each other, but you can understand what happens). Большой (about ballet, but interesting for anyone)
- Historical: Ближний круг
- Comedy: Ширли-Мырли, Теория запоя, Изображая жертву
- Criminal comedy: Жмурки, Мама не горюй
- Social drama: Елена
- Black-white war movie: Служили два товарища
- War realism: Чистилище
- иди и смотри
- "Дурак" Быкова
- Yelki (I think there are three parts).
- Slujhebniy Roman (Old Dramedy, beautiful movie).
- Djentelmeni Udachi (Old comedy, great classic).
- Bremenskiye Muizikanti (Animated Soviet musical, the songs are amazing)
- Потапов к Доске / Potapov to the Blackboard
- Богиня: Как я полюбила (2004)
- Аритмия, Географ глобус пропил, Лето, if you're into good contemporary cinema.
- Долгие проводы, Курьер, if you would prefer Soviet films. These are on kind, deep, sensible side.
- фильм о Петре Первом
- Екатерина - english subs
1.9.1 SF
- Иван Васильевич меняет профессию
- Отроки во вселенной
- Москва - Кассиопея
- Kin-dza-dza! - Oude SF TV serie
- Ku! Kin-dza-dza - tekenfilm van voorgaande